
O artyście

Anna Lubańska graduated with honours from the Warsaw Academy of Music in the class of Krystyna Szostek-Radkowa. She is a prizewinner of the Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Competition, where she received the 1st prize and three special awards. During her studies, she made her debut at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw and is still associated with this stage, performing leading opera roles. She has also been invited to many prestigious festivals in Poland and abroad. Anna Lubańska is a versatile artist, successfully interpreting both dramatic and more cheerful parts. She also works with the Cracow Opera, the Poznań Opera and the Silesian Opera in Bytom.

Moreover, Anna Lubańska is a respected oratorio and cantata singer. She cooperates with philharmonic societies all over Poland and sings alto parts in pieces by Verdi, Beethoven, Kilar, Handel, Szymanowski and Dvořák. She also often performs works by Krzysztof Penderecki. The artist’s repertoire includes numerous lieder as well. She has performed in, among others, Japan, Norway, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Monaco and Hong Kong. The vocalist has collaborated with outstanding soloists and conductors, for example, Jerzy Maksymiuk, Kazimierz Kord, Jacek Kaspszyk, Marc Minkowski, Plácido Domingo, Edita Gruberová and Patrick Fournillier. Anna Lubańska has also made a number of radio and television recordings and CDs, including Moniuszko’s The Haunted Manor (for EMI) and Penderecki’s Ubu Rex. The artist is often invited to serve as a jury member in vocal competitions.

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