
O artyście

A harpsichordist, pianist, teacher; on a daily basis associated with the Warsaw Lado ABC community. Her output includes the first recording of J.S. Bach’s complete Harpsichord Partitas (Lado ABC) in Poland and a monographic album featuring works by Paweł Szymański (Bôłt Records), nominated for a Fryderyk. The artist premiered the following compositions by Szymański: Les Poiriers en Pologne ou une Suite de Pièces Sentimentales de Clavecin faites par Mr Szymański and Dissociative Counterpoint Disorder (written especially for her and dedicated to her). She has created music for several theatre plays. She has also published in Forum Muzykologiczne.

Małgorzata Sarbak studied in Warsaw (L. Kędracki, W. Kłosiewicz) and Boston (New England Conservatory, J. Gibbons); moreover, she has been honing her skills with outstanding harpsichordists (H. Dreyfus, B. van Asperen, J. Van Imerseel, K. Haugsand, J. Ogg, M. van Delft). She is a beneficiary of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. She collaborates with Danish flautist Bolette Roed. The artists most often reach for staple Baroque repertoire and present it in a new instrumental version (Bach’s Sonatas for harpsichord and violin and Sinfonias transcribed for harpsichord and recorder). She co-creates the group Mitch & Mitch con il loro Gruppo Etereofonico, with which in 2023 she received a Fryderyk for the album Amore assoluto per Ennio. She runs a harpsichord class at the F. Chopin State Music School Complex in Warsaw.

In her recent activities, Małgorzata Sarbak focuses on the oeuvre of F. Chopin, whose mazurkas she interprets on an extremely rare tangent piano, reaching for new means of expression and drawing on the unique capabilities of the instrument. 

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